5 Mistakes to Avoid after an Ontario Motor Vehicle Accident

Getting into a motor vehicle accident can come with severe implications to your health and finances. This is why it’s vital to determine who is at fault in these scenarios. However, some people may say or do things that can complicate the process of determining accountability for the accident. If you were recently involved in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario, you must be aware of the potential mistakes that could impact your case. 

Here are five mistakes to avoid after an Ontario motor vehicle accident:

1. Admitting that the Accident was your Fault

After an accident, admitting that the accident was your fault could be detrimental to any claim you may have.

Even if you think you may have caused the accident, it is best to refrain from making an admission of fault or providing statements that could be defined as an admission of guilt as there may be other evidence such as witness observations or dash cam evidence suggesting otherwise.  The other driver’s insurance company will be looking for any opportunity to reduce or deny your claim, and an admission of fault could give them the ammunition they need. 

Even if you suspect you were partially responsible for the accident, it is best to refrain from making such a statement until you have consulted with a lawyer. 

2. Failing to Gather Evidence

One of the most important things you can do is collect evidence at the accident scene. This may consist of taking photos of the damage to your vehicle, exchanging information with the other driver, and speaking to witnesses. If you fail to collect this evidence, it may be more challenging to prove your case later if there are any inconsistencies in the stories of parties as to how the accident occurred.

3. Not Pursuing Medical Treatment

Some injuries, such as concussions, may not show symptoms for hours or even days after the accident. If you delay seeking medical treatment, you may miss the opportunity to receive treatment that could prevent long-term damage. 

In addition, seeking medical attention immediately will document your injuries in the event that you file an insurance claim or lawsuit. Even if you don’t seek legal action, seeing a doctor will give you peace of mind and assist in diagnosing the severity of the injuries and allow you to seek a path to obtain treatment.

4. Missed Reporting the Accident

One mistake that many individuals make is failing to report the accident to the police. Even if the damage seems minor, it is vital to call the police and file a report. 

This report will be essential if you need to file an insurance claim or take legal action. The report will provide an official accident record, including the date, time, and location. It will also include the names and contact information of any witnesses. 

If you neglect to report the accident, you may find getting the compensation you deserve more challenging.

5. Posting Accident Info on Social Media 

Do not post pictures or comments regarding the accident on social media.  Insurers could use this as evidence against you in a potential insurance claim or lawsuit.

Don’t discuss the details of the accident on social media. This includes who was at fault, what happened, etc. It’s understandable to be frustrated after an accident, but venting on social media is not the best way to handle it. Additionally, this could make you look uncooperative or challenging to work with and impact any potential settlements.


After a motor vehicle accident, it is essential to remember the above five mistakes to avoid after an Ontario motor vehicle accident.

Contact Parlatore Law today for a free consultation if you have been injured in a car accident around Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold, Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek and Hamilton. If you need a reliable and experienced personal injury lawyer in Niagara Falls, contact us today

Can Refusing Medical Treatment Affect Your Injury Claim?

After an accident, it is crucial to seek medical attention even if you think your injuries are minor. Generally, refusing medical treatment could give the insurance company an excuse to reduce your injury compensation or deny your claim altogether. This article explains how your refusal of treatment may affect your injury claim. Keep reading below. 

The Right to Refuse Medical Treatment

In Ontario, any mentally capable adult can make decisions regarding their health. This includes the right to accept or reject medical care, even if the decision to not receive care may lead to a more severe injury, illness, or even death. 

Some may not feel comfortable with doctors or hospitals, have religious beliefs that prevent them from seeking medical care, or simply not want to go through a medical procedure. In some cases, this can mean refusing a blood transfusion or other medical treatments that are necessary for their health.

No matter the explanation for their refusal, the insurance company might still be suspicious about the veracity of your claims and argue that you did not suffer a grave injury. This could be utilized as a way to offer a meager settlement. You are within your rights to decline medical assistance after a crash if you are conscious. However, this decision may harm any claims you make for your injury.

How Your Injury Claim Can Be Affected 

Refusing medical treatment after an accident can make getting the compensation you deserve more challenging. Insurance companies are likely to pay the minimum amount, so don’t give them an excuse to reduce your claim or deny it altogether. Here are other drawbacks that are worth considering:

  • Worsened Condition 

By refusing medical treatment, you risk being incorrectly diagnosed for injuries sustained in an accident. Without a diagnosis, any injuries may go untreated or be treated too late, potentially leading to more serious consequences. 

  • Extended Recovery 

Access to proper medical care can help you heal faster after an accident. Not getting treatment, however, may cause your recovery to take longer. If you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s recommended by personal injury lawyers to wait until you have achieved the best possible health before filing a claim.

  • Elevated Expenses 

A delayed diagnosis and treatment of an injury can result in higher medical costs, lost wages, and additional suffering. If treatment is not sought in a timely manner, the condition may worsen, leading to more intense treatments and a longer recovery time. This can lead to a greater financial burden and more time away from work.

Final Thoughts 

Even if you’ve initially decided against seeking medical help after a crash, you may still be able to consult a physician. This would depend on how long ago the accident happened. Following a collision, it is not uncommon to be in shock and experience a rush of adrenaline, making it hard to recognize the severity of any injuries sustained. If this is the case, it is vital to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Refusing medical treatment can lead to a variety of legal and medical issues. It can lead to a patient being unable to receive a fair injury claim, as medical records are key to establishing the extent of an injury and any subsequent medical issues. Patients must understand the legal and medical implications of refusing medical treatment.

Do you need the help of a personal injury lawyer in Niagara Falls? Turn to Parlatore Law. We are a personal injury law firm serving southern Ontario’s surrounding areas, including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold, Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek, and Hamilton. Contact us.

How the Right Evidence Can Help Prove a Slip and Fall Claim

Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. They are one of the most common accidents and can often be very serious. And when this type of accident happens on someone else’s property, the victim can claim negligence on the part of the responsible party and get the appropriate compensation. But it’s not always that easy. For one, you’d have to have substantial evidence to help prove your claim.

Occupier’s Liability

You may have heard the term “occupier’s liability” before, but what does it mean? In short, occupier’s liability refers to the legal responsibility of a property owner to keep their property safe for visitors. This includes both indoor and outdoor spaces. If a property owner’s negligence in terms of safety leads to injury, they may be held liable.

Many types of accidents can fall under occupier’s liability. Some common examples include slip and fall accidents, trip and fall accidents, elevator and escalator accidents, swimming pool accidents, and fires. Basically, any accident that occurs on someone else’s property and results in injury could be considered occupier’s liability.

So, how do you know if you have an occupier’s liability case? There are a few things that must be proven in order for a property owner to be held liable:

  1. It must be shown that the property owner was aware, or should have been aware of the dangerous condition of their property and did nothing to fix it.
  2. It must be shown that the victim was not aware of the dangerous condition.
  3. It must be shown that the victim was injured as a direct result of the dangerous condition.

What Types of Evidence Can Help Prove a Slip and Fall Claim?

There are many different types of evidence that can be used to support a slip and fall claim. Slip-and-fall evidence can come in the form of eyewitness testimony, video footage, or even photographs.

One of the most important pieces of evidence in a slip-and-fall case is the testimony of eyewitnesses. If there are people who saw the incident happen, their testimony can be invaluable in proving that the property owner was negligent.

Video footage can also be a helpful piece of evidence in a slip-and-fall case. If there is security footage of the incident, this can be used to show what happened and who was at fault.

Photographs can also be helpful in a slip and fall case. If there are pictures of the scene of the accident, this can be used to show the condition of the property at the time of the incident.

But aside from having evidence of the slip and fall happening, you also need to have evidence that the said accident resulted in injury. Without an actual injury from the slip and fall, it would not be possible to prove damages from the accident. So, it’s important to visit your doctor to document the injuries and gather medical records that can support your claim.

Final Thoughts

Slip and fall claims can often be difficult to win, but if you have been injured in a fall, it is important to gather evidence and seek legal help right away. An experienced personal injury lawyer can investigate your claim and help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Get justice for your slip and fall accident with the help of Parlatore Law. We are a personal injury lawyer in Niagara Falls that has established the experience and skills needed to obtain excellent results for our clients. We will guide you through these difficult times and find the correct legal solutions for your needs. 

What You Need to Know Before Filing for a Disability Claim

If you cannot work because of a disability, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). To apply for benefits, you must file an insurance claim with the Ontario government. Or you can file one from your private insurance company.

Filing an insurance claim for disability can be a complex process, so it is essential to understand all of the documents and paperwork before you begin.

Understand Your Policy’s Definition of Disability

With a disability insurance policy, you will receive financial protection if you are unable to work due to a disability. But what exactly does the policy consider to be a “disability”? The answer to this question can be found in the policy’s definition of disability.

Most policies define the term disability as the inability to perform the duties of your occupation. If you are disabled and can no longer work in your chosen profession, the policy will provide you with a portion of your income. 

Some policies, however, have a more restrictive definition of disability. They may only consider you to be disabled if you are unable to work in any occupation. It is known as an “any occupation” definition of disability.

It is always wise to go through your disability policy with a personal injury lawyer to ensure that you get the full benefits to which you are entitled. Many people do not realize that their disability policy may have specific provisions that limit their benefits. This lawyer can help you understand your policy and ensure you get the full benefits to which you are entitled. 

Medical Evidence May Be Required

To file a disability claim, you must have medical evidence to support your case. It can come in the form of doctor’s notes, medical records, and test results.

You will need to gather all your medical records to get started. It includes any doctor’s notes, test results, and hospital records. Once you have your records, you must fill out a disability claim form.

The disability claim form will ask for your personal information, medical history, and current symptoms. You might also need to provide information about your work history and earnings. It would be prudent to ask a personal injury lawyer to go through your application so that your approval chances would be higher.

Other Evidence May Be Required

In addition to the medical evidence, you must submit other evidence that supports your claim. Your disability lawyer understands the different types of evidence your claim could require. You may be asked to submit employer records, copies of your previous compensation statements, or a doctor’s statement.

In most circumstances, you must apply for benefits within a certain period. Your claim may be denied if you do not apply within the time period outlined in your policy. So make sure you file your claim as soon as possible.


A disability insurance policy can be essential to your financial protection plan. If you become disabled and cannot work, you must understand your policy’s definition of disability and all of your options.  If you are denied by your disability insurer, we can help.

An experienced lawyer can help you get the financial protection you need. They can discuss your options and help you determine whether you should file a claim. However, it’s best to file your claim as soon as possible because most disability policies have a time limit for filing.

If you need a personal injury lawyer in Niagara Falls, you do not have to look far because you are in good hands with Parlatore Law. We will discuss your policy’s inclusions and how to file a claim successfully. So, schedule an appointment now!

Everything You Should Do After a Slip & Fall Accident in Canada

If you’re a victim of a slip and fall accident in Ontario and want to pursue a case, it’s easy to get lost in all the legal jargon you encounter.

The definition of a slip and fall accident is a little blurry. What exactly constitutes a slip or fall?

In general, a slip and fall accident is a mishap where a pedestrian falls onto wet or greasy grounds or just plain falls onto ground that is not well maintained.

Every slip and fall accident is unique, but here are some tips that can help you out:

Bring the Accident to Attention

Slip and fall accidents must be reported to the property owner, manager, or municipal authority as soon as possible. Not reporting the accident can cause issues that may affecet your right to compensation, so act quickly.

Seek Treatment Immediately

If you suffer an injury in a slip and fall accident, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible so that your injuries are documented.  You’ll also want to keep track of all your medical expenses and save receipts as they can be recoverable.

Inspect the Scene

After a slip and fall accident, it’s important to inspect the scene of the accident to look for evidence. Take pictures of the area and have someone take photographs of you in the area. Take note of any water spills or other debris that may have caused the accident, and keep copies of any photos you take.

Record Every Detail of the Accident

Once you know you’re pursuing a case, make sure you record everything that happened leading up to your accident. Keep a diary of everything that happened during the day of your accident, including the dates and times, any witness statements, and any information about the injuries you suffered, such as the extent of your pain and limitations in your activities.

Take Photos at the Scene

Make sure you take photos of the scene of the accident. Take pictures of the wet or slippery area, any debris or other items that could have caused you to slip and fall, and pictures of your injuries.

Consult With a Lawyer Immediately

Once you have all your evidence, you can speak with a slip and fall lawyer to bring your case to action.

Dealing with a slip and fall injury can be difficult and trying, but with the right lawyer, you just might have a chance at winning your case.

Never Delay

Slip and fall accidents have time limits for filing notice or claim ranging from 10 days for municipalities, 60 days for private property if the fall was caused by ice or snow, and 2 years to issue a claim in court. Your lawyer will need time to investigate the parties that need to be placed on notice.  Seek a consultation immediately with a lawyer to ensure your claim is not barred due to limitation periods.

The Bottomline

Slip and fall accidents happen quickly, unexpectedly, and without warning. Because of this, you need to act quickly and begin claiming your compensation as soon as possible.

Do you need help with slip fall in Niagara Falls? Parlatore Law is a personal injury law firm that serves the surrounding areas of southern Ontario, including St. Catherines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold, Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek, and Hamilton. Get in touch with us. 

Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle Spinal Injury Cases?

Did you know that every year, around 4,300 Canadians suffer from a spinal cord injury (SCI), and approximately 85,556 people live with SCI?

You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury because of an auto accident or someone else’s negligence. It’s essential to find a lawyer with experience in this area of law to give you the best chance of success.

Yes, you can find spinal cord personal injury lawyers who specialize in this area of law.

What These Professionals Do

A spinal cord injury lawyer is an attorney who specializes in cases involving injuries to the spine.

If you have suffered a spine injury, you are probably familiar with the complications it can cause. Those with spinal cord injuries can be afflicted with various health problems. These may require expensive treatments and rob you of quality of life and the ability to earn a total income.

These losses can emotionally impact various aspects of your life, so having them by your side is a plus. They’re familiar with SCI’s effects and know how to fight for the appropriate compensation for your injury and the correct legal approach to take with the case. In addition, they are also knowledgeable about personal injury law as a whole, which is essential for any individual injury case.

Why You Need These Professionals

A spinal cord personal injury lawyer will deeply understand SCI and its complications. They know the ins and outs of each type of SCI injury and how it should be approached from a personal injury law perspective.

Additionally, personal injury lawyers have access to medical experts specializing in spinal cord injury. This can be extremely helpful for building your case and proving your injury’s impact on your life.

Experts can speak to your injury in cases like this, and its impact is crucial. A spinal cord injury lawyer will have more contacts in the field than a lawyer who deals with general personal injury cases.

A Case Worth Pursuing

You might wonder if pursuing a spinal cord injury lawsuit is worth it. In almost all cases, it is—here’s why.

Spinal cord injuries can severely impact you, so you deserve to be compensated fairly and fully for this. Insurance companies will usually try to reimburse you the minimum they legally can. If you allow this, you will have been robbed of valuable compensation that helps your recovery, regaining quality of life, or supporting yourself if this is not entirely possible.

Because spinal cord injuries can have far-reaching effects, compensation amounts can be higher than for many other personal injury cases. One instance is a famous case where the Ontario Superior Court awarded $12.3 million in damages for a spinal injury lawsuit.

Another reason it’s worth pursuing a lawsuit for a spinal cord injury is that you can do this on a contingency basis, meaning you only have to pay your personal injury lawyer if and when they win the case.


Suffering or suffered from a spinal injury caused by a car accident or other accident? Contact a personal injury lawyer in Niagara Falls from Parlatore Law today! We serve the following areas: Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold, Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek and Hamilton. Chat with us live through our website today!

Can I Receive Compensation for Getting Electrocuted

Although everyone uses electricity in many forms daily, there are still instances wherein you can get a personal injury from electricity sources. This can also be fatal, especially when working with high-voltage sources. 

If you sustain personal injury from electrocution as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.  The payment will depend on the damage’s extent and the accident’s severity. Failure to get proper compensation may delay your ability to recover properly from the incident, so it’s crucial to act right away.

What Is Electrocution?

Electrocution is the term used to describe the occurrence of electricity, which inflicts burns on the person’s skin and various internal organs. Aside from being burned by the electricity, the person can also suffer from heart problems and seizures.

Medical Expenses

These are the expenses you may have spent for the treatment you have to take after the event. You can obtain compensation for medical expenses in addition to compensation for pain and suffering.

Lost Income

This is a claim for the income you may have lost because of the electrocution. For example, if you cannot work for a few years because of the accident, you can file a claim for your lost income. The payment will be based on the date you sustained the injury and the date you can work again.

Work with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls

If you believe you are not receiving adequate compensation for your injuries, you must consult a personal injury lawyer.

A personal injury lawyer will help you understand your legal rights and the chances of receiving compensation. However, when looking for a lawyer, check if they have experience with situations similar to yours. You don’t want to get paid less than you deserve because your lawyer is unfamiliar with your case.

If you need a personal injury lawyer in Niagara Falls, Parlatore Law is the place to go. We are a law firm serving the surrounding areas of southern Ontario including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Grimsby, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Fonthill, Fort Erie, Welland, Thorold, Pelham, Port Colborne, Stoney Creek, and Hamilton. Get in touch with us today so we can discuss your situation.

Consent for Medical Information In Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can be rather tricky to navigate. This stems from a lack of general knowledge on this subject. Indeed, failing to have a good understanding of personal injury claims can hurt you in the long run if you’re ever involved in these types of cases. One aspect that people always seem to overlook when it comes to these types of cases is how consent for medical information works. To help you out, we thought it would be useful to put together a brief article on this subject. If this is something that you’re interested in learning more about, read on as we discuss everything you need to know about consent for medical information in personal injury claims.

Why Is This Important?

Now, you may be wondering why this is important. To give you context, we have to talk about a recent case before the Ontario Superior Court that stated that plaintiffs are entitled to review medical consent release forms with the assistance of their lawyers before agreeing to anything. This stemmed from a complaint from the defendants that still had to pay fees to the physician for the medical appointment when the plaintiff refused to give consent without advising their lawyers. The Court ruled that the plaintiffs should not have to pay for the canceled evaluation, as they were not given enough time to consult with their lawyer before signing the consent form. The plaintiffs were not notified in advance that they would be required to sign a consent form.

What Is a Release to Disclose Medical Information?

A release to disclose medical information is a written document that gives someone else permission to see your medical records. If you’re filing a personal injury case, you (or your lawyer) will probably collect your own medical records. But sometimes the other side will ask you to sign a release to disclose medical information. If you have a lawyer, the other side should give the request to your lawyer first.

Why Are Independent Medical Evaluations Important In Personal Injury Cases?

When a personal injury case moves to the discovery phase, the plaintiffs and defendants will exchange evidence, facts, and information. Plaintiffs who have sustained physical injuries or disabilities as a result of the defendant’s negligence may pursue financial compensation for the damages they have sustained or will sustain in the future as a result of the incident. The defence may then dispute the amount of damages claimed by the plaintiff. In order to do this, they may have to request invoices, medical reports, and other forms of necessary evidence substantiating the plaintiff’s claim.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you gain a better understanding of these types of cases and how to best navigate them. While it may seem complicated at first, the information that we’ve laid out here should help make things easier for you. Be sure to keep everything you’ve learned here in mind so that you can make the most informed decisions if you ever find yourself involved in a personal injury claim.

If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer in Niagra Falls, you’re in the right place. Here at Parlatore Law, we are a personal injury law firm serving the surrounding areas, including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek and Hamilton. Our goal is to help our clients get what they need and deserve. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

Personal Injury Law—How to Make Things Less Personal

The personal injury legal system defines a personal injury as an injury to the body and mind. The most common personal injuries result from motor vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice, and dog bites.

A personal injury lawsuit begins with an injured person retaining a personal injury attorney, who then drafts a claim that explains the event of the accident in detail, including the facts and circumstances and the injuries the plaintiff sustained. The claim is then filed with the court, and served upon the defendant to inform  them that the claim was filed and that they have a certain amount of time to respond.

While personal injury lawsuits may seem straightforward, they can get complicated when you are acquainted with or connected to the party at fault. Whatever the circumstance, it’s still important to do what’s right and take care of yourself first. Today, let’s explore how you can approach things impersonally in the event of a personal injury.

Here’s what you need to know:

Understand Your Injuries

It’s easy to exaggerate your injuries to make your case seem more legitimate. However, exaggerating injuries can cause you more problems. It can also make it more challenging for you to seek compensation. It’s best to be honest about your injuries and the damages they have caused. The best way to do this is to only discuss what you know without adding any extra details that you don’t.

Be Civil and Polite

Behaving civilly and politely is important for a variety of reasons. Like any other civil interactions, personal injury cases require civility and politeness. Behaving civilly and politely will help resolve the issue, preventing you from saying or doing something you might regret.

Follow Through

Follow-through is key to the success of any personal injury case. Make sure you do it. It means contacting your attorney, attending all of your doctor appointments, taking your medications, and following your doctor’s advice.

Insurance companies and other defence attorneys will often use the fact that you did not follow instructions to discredit you as a witness. For this reason, you must follow through with your end of the agreement and allow your attorney to handle the rest.

The Bottom Line

Personal injury cases can be difficult. You may need to deal with the party at fault,  and insurance companies.

Whatever your circumstances are, you must take care of yourself. You can do this by being civil, polite and open with anyone involved in your injury case, following through, and being honest and forthright about your injuries.

If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer, you’re in the right place. Here at Parlatore Law, we are a personal injury law firm serving the surrounding areas, including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek and Hamilton. Our goal is to help our clients get what they need and deserve. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

Here’s Why Hiring a Long-Term Disability Lawyer Can Help You

If you find yourself needing to apply for your long-term disability insurance coverage, know that the process will not always be as smooth as you wish it to be. Ideally, it would help if you got a lawyer.

A lawyer can help you understand the complex laws that regulate the disability coverage process, find mistakes in the documents you submit, and can help you understand what you have to do to make sure your claim is properly assessed.

How a Lawyer Can Help You With Your Disability Coverage Process

If you need to apply for long-term disability benefits and want to ensure that you get the benefits you deserve, a qualified lawyer can help.

They Can Help You Obtain Success in Your Appeal

A qualified lawyer is crucial for a successful appeal. They can help you show that the insurance company has violated their duty of good faith and that you have submitted evidence which supports your claim. They can also help you win in court if your case goes to trial. If the claim is denied, the lawyer can help you dispute the denial by suing the insurance company.

They Can Help You Avoid Mistakes

While the claims process can be complex, mistakes are still common. A lawyer can help you avoid making mistakes which can cost you the benefits you deserve. They can help you avoid mistakes of form, mistakes of fact, and mistakes in the way you submit your claim.

They Can Help You Prepare the Evidence You Will Need

The evidence you will need to submit is detailed in your insurance provider’s policies. Your lawyer will let you know what to do, and they will allow you to submit that evidence.

A lawyer can help you with the legal process and can help you find the evidence you need. They can help you with court procedures, and if your case goes to trial, they will represent you in court. They can help you get evidence of your employment, your income, evidence to prove the duration of your disability, and the evidence that proves the severity of the disability.

They Help You Understand What’s Happening

Lawyers know the legal requirements, and will help you submit the most persuasive application possible. They will help you understand how to prove the exact nature of your disability and prove that it meets the requirements of the individual policy.

While you can apply for your disability insurance claim without a lawyer, a lawyer will be required if the insurer denies your benefits claim.  A lawyer can help you get the maximum benefits available under the policy and can help you avoid costly mistakes.


If you want to make sure that your claim is as smooth as possible and that you get the maximum benefits you deserve, hire a qualified lawyer. They will know the legal process and what to do to assist in getting your long term disability benefits approved or get a settlement of your claim.

Call an experienced disability lawyer from Parlatore today, and we will help you from start to finish. If you want to make sure that you get your disability claim in Niagara Falls approved, contact us today.