What You Should Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you or a loved one gets injured in an accident, the only thing you want to focus on is getting better. Unfortunately, you do need to deal with a lot, and the very first thing you need to do is find and hire a reputable personal injury lawyer. 

But there are a lot of personal injury lawyers. Where do you begin your search, and what should you be looking for? Read on and find out:

What You Need to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

While it will all boil down to your preference, there are certain considerations you need to make: 

Who Your Family and Friends Refer

If someone close to you has been in an accident before and has worked with a personal injury lawyer, they’re the best person to ask for a referral. They’ll be able to tell you how that particular lawyer handles cases, how they communicate, and how much their fees are, among others. If they’d been unsatisfied for any reason, they’d be able to tell you that, too, and tell you what you need to look out for.   At Parlatore Law, the majority of our clients come from direct referrals from family, friends and past clients.

What Online Reviews and Forums Are Saying

One of the perks of having access to the internet is that it makes it easier for people to search for reviews of companies or professionals they are considering hiring. The same goes for law firms. You should check what past and present clients are saying about the law firms you are considering to know whether or not you should go to them.

Who’s Actually Handling Your Case

Most law firms have several attorneys, and the one who persuades you to hire them is not necessarily the one who will handle your case. Before you decide anything, ask to meet with the lawyer who will actually be handling your case. You need to make sure that you are comfortable with that lawyer and that you’ll be able to build rapport easily. Remember that this is a person who you will be working with for months or even years, so you want to be sure that you’ll be comfortable reaching out to them when needed. At Parlatore Law, you will always meet with the lawyer that handles your case.

The Lawyer’s Experience with Personal Injury Cases

The experience level of the lawyer handling your personal injury case is important to achieving a successful outcome.  Insurers know which law firms are capable of advancing your case to the fullest and taking cases to trials or arbitrations, and that will undoubtedly affect their approach to your claim. Ask the lawyer you’re considering about past experiences and cases similar to yours to know if they can indeed handle your case.

The Retainer Agreement

Any personal injury lawyer you’re considering hiring should show you the retainer agreement of their law firm. If you have agreed to a contingency fee agreement, check that the contract clearly indicates that you are NOT responsible for paying any fees unless the claim is successful. Don’t forget to check the contingency fee percentage to see if it’s fair and is based not on the interim benefits in the case but on the ultimate settlement reached. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as you’d like about the retainer agreement. Your lawyer will expect you to ask them anyway. It’s better that you ask a lot of questions now than wonder what happened later on. 


These are just some of the many considerations you need to make when comparing personal injury lawyers. Remember that a lot is at stake, and you shouldn’t take the task of finding the right lawyer lightly. Hopefully, this quick guide will help you find the perfect lawyer for your needs. 

Parlatore Law is a reputable law firm with many years of experience handling personal injury matters in Fort Erie and nearby areas. Get in touch with us today to set up a legal consultation with one of our seasoned lawyers and see why we’re the perfect fit for you!

5 Benefits of Working with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. According to Canada’s National Collision Database (NCDB), there were 72,917 personal injuries on the road. Therefore, working with a qualified personal injury lawyer should help victims claim their car accident compensation quicker. But there are other benefits with working with a qualified personal injury lawyer, including:

1. Familiarity with Court Systems

Working with a personal injury lawyer will allow you to be familiar with the court process. Personal injury lawyers know the best way to handle the situation to get reasonable compensation. They have the authority and experience to represent you with your case.

2. Seamless Claims Filing

Car accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. Court procedures can be stressful. Therefore, it is best to have a personal injury lawyer help you file your claim. Claim filing can be time-consuming and tedious. Without a personal injury lawyer, you will be forced to file the claim on your own and you can make errors that can have an impact on the value of your claim.

Filing a car accident insurance claim is not an easy task. It needs a lot of hard work and time to handle the paperwork. You have to be very careful with every step.

3. Better Negotiations

While it is true that most companies try to offer the lowest possible amount compared to the actual value of the case, a personal injury lawyer is better equipped at negotiating with insurers and their lawyers. A personal injury lawyer is experienced  in negotiation and strategy. They know how to push their way to get the maximum compensation for their clients. Therefore, it is highly recommended to hire a personal injury lawyer to obtain a better settlement.

4. Assistance with  Medical Treatment

Personal injury lawyers can refer you to treatment providers to ensure that you obtain the proper assistance and treatment for your injuries.

5. Gathering Evidence

A  personal injury lawyer will assist with gathering the necessary evidence to maximize your claim.  This evidence includes medical records, police records, employment records, witness statements and expert reports.  


Parlatore Law practices predominantly in the area of personal injury litigation.  We help people in the Niagara Region  claim compensation for their injuries, making the process less stressful for our clients. Allow us to help you claim disability insurance and compensation for your injuries by booking an appointment with our injury lawyers today.

Fair Justice: All the Basics about a Personal Injury Claim

When a person suffers an injury, the court will examine two main things: what the injuries are and who is responsible for them.

Injuries are the medical designation of what happened to a person. It’s important to make sure that there is a medical diagnosis for the injuries. It could be an aggravation of a prior injury or something completely new – either way, it’s good to have a diagnosis to validate the injuries.

The “who is responsible” part looks at what the person did to cause the injuries and if they were working at the time. If they were at fault for the injuries, they would be included in the lawsuit.

When the two parts add up to be enough to win a case, there will be some compensation for the injuries.

What Damages Can Be Considered a Personal Injury?

There are a lot of injuries and a lot of different types of damages that can be attached to a personal injury. The following are a few of the more common damages categorized by injury.

1. Medical Bills & Future Care Costs

These are the bills that are paid out of pocket by the patient  including treatment costs for health providers. These can also include claims for treatment that will be needed in the future.  They’re part of what will get paid after the lawsuit is settled, and it’s important that they are all accounted for in order to get the right value for them.

2. Lost Wages

If a person can’t work because of their injuries, they are entitled to compensation for lost wages. Lost wages can include an amount for past loss (from the date of injury to present) as well as future lost wages (present to retirement age).

3. Pain and Suffering

These are the less-defined damages that the person experiences because of their injuries. They are the most subjective damages as the value depends on the impact on the person’s ordinary life.

The value of pain is also shifted by how severe the pain is, how long the pain lasts, and how long they will be affected by it.

Tips for Personal Injury Claimants

Personal injury claims are a complicated process that involves a lot of paperwork and a lot of work. Hiring a lawyer is imperative.  Personal Injury claimants can assist their claims by:

1. Seeking medical care. This is important even if they don’t think they’re injured. If they don’t go to the hospital or see a doctor, they could be forfeiting potential compensation.

2. They should be detailed in their discussions with doctors when discussing their injuries to ensure the doctor properly documents the injuries in their medical records. This will show doctors, lawyers, and the court that they’ve discussed their injuries and have been treated for their injuries.

3. They should get copies of the police report.

4. They should identify witnesses who can help support their case.

5. They should get a lawyer as soon as possible.


Overall, a personal injury claim is a lot of work, but the goal is to ensure that an injured person receives compensation for their losses.

They are also tricky to navigate. There are a lot of medical terms, a lot of questions, and a lot of complications. In short, the best way to approach them is to get a good lawyer.

If you are looking for well-trusted personal injury lawyers in Welland, look no further than our experienced practitioners here at Parlatore Law. We are a Personal Injury law firm serving the surrounding areas of southern Ontario including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, among others. Call us today and let’s discuss your injuries and the best approach to advancing your claims.

Concussion Settlement Amounts in Canada: What To Know

Both car accident cases and slip and fall cases can result in concussions; so can other traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). If you have sustained a TBI, it could change your life forever. Personal injury claims involving concussions are often the largest that lawyers pursue. To win one of these cases, you need a lawyer who understands what it takes to win a concussion case.

If you are faced with this predicament, there may be a plethora of problems that may arise. The good news is that knowing what to do will go a long way when it comes to a concussion settlement.

Concussion Settlement Amounts in Canada: What To Know

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that usually occurs as the result of a slip and fall accident, a motor vehicle accident or a bicycle accident. A concussion is a brain injury that can result in permanent disability, including cognitive dysfunction, emotional issues and personality changes.

What Are the Symptoms of a Concussion?

The symptoms of a concussion vary with each individual and can last for days, weeks and even months. They may include:

Intellectual difficulties, Short-term memory problems, Difficulty with concentration and focus, Poor attention span, Impaired judgment, Altered personality, Irritability, Anxiety, Feelings of depression.

The symptoms of a concussion are not always the same. It is important to note that the symptoms may vary from person to person and from time to time in the same individual.

It is important to note that the symptoms of a concussion may be difficult to predict.

The Diagnosis of a Concussion

A concussion can be difficult to diagnose because of the wide range of symptoms. A physician will typically begin the evaluation process with a medical examination, with an emphasis on observation. There are a number of screening tools available, available to assist with the assessment.

Following this is a complete medical history, including medication use, general health history and at-risk conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, dyslexia and thyroid disorders.

The examination will include a neurological examination, which will include a physical examination and ask questions to determine the degree of impairment and emotional distress.

When to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are injured in an accident that has left you with a concussion, you should contact a lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will be able to assess your case and offer you guidance on your options.

If you have sustained a serious concussion, it is very important to begin treatment immediately. There are a number of conditions that may arise following the accident, including long-term emotional issues, mood disorders and personality changes. These issues may require professional treatment.


Concussion claims are quite common; they can happen to anyone. However, they can be extremely serious when they involve a brain injury. If you have sustained a concussion, you should contact a personal injury lawyer immediately. The lawyer will be able to help you assess your claim and determine the best course of action for you to take.

If you have experienced a slip and fall accident that resulted in a concussion, contact Parlatore Law. We are a Personal Injury law firm serving the surrounding areas of southern Ontario, including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold, Port Colborne, Fonthill, Pelham, Grimsby, Stoney Creek and Hamilton.

5 Ways A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Your Case

What’s a personal injury? A personal injury occurs when a person gets injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. That “someone else” can be another person or even a group or entity, so long as the other party was negligent and caused the injury that could have been avoided.

That said, if you’re suffering from a personal injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation for it. It can be used to cover many things such as pain and suffering, medical bills, and the like. However, a claim needs to be made first, and as such, a personal injury lawyer is a must-have.

Here’s how a personal injury lawyer can help you with your personal injury case:

1. Helps You Gather Evidence

A personal injury lawyer will help you gather the most evidence possible. They’ll make sure that you have proof that the other party was indeed negligent in causing the accident because that’s the basis for the case.

So, how does a lawyer help in collecting the evidence? The lawyer will help you ask the right questions, hire investigators, and provide you with the proper paperwork to gather the evidence. This can include physical evidence or witness testimonies.

2. Builds a Good Case

A good personal injury lawyer will build a case that holds up in court, and they’ll also build a case that will get you the most compensation possible. They don’t just look at the evidence they have. They also look at the evidence they don’t have and will work towards getting the necessary proof.

3. Will Negotiate on Your Behalf

A personal injury lawyer is also a good negotiator. You’ll be in good hands if you have an attorney negotiate for your compensation on your behalf. They go into meetings with the other party’s attorney and will try to get the most compensation possible out of the case.

4. Helps File the Case

A personal injury attorney will help you file the case in court. This means that they’ll file the paperwork for you and help you get it approved by the court. They’re also familiar with the process, so they can help you get the compensation you deserve.

5. Offers No Fee if No Recovery Retainer

Lastly, an excellent personal injury lawyer offers a no fee if no recovery retainer. This type of retainer offers significantly less risk to the client and you are free to contact your lawyer without having to worry that every call or email is costing you additional legal fees.  You’ll have peace of mind knowing that you have a legal professional in your corner.


With the advice in this article, you should know what to look for in a personal injury attorney. Personal injury lawyers could help you get the compensation you need if you were injured by someone else’s negligence. A personal injury attorney will help you negotiate with the other party’s attorney, they’ll build a case that won’t crumble in court, and they’ll help you win the case. If you were injured, you should contact a personal injury attorney to help you with the process. But of course, remember to pick your attorney carefully to ensure your claim’s highest chances of success! 

Parlatore Law offers personal injury assistance to help those seeking to advance personal injury claims to successful settlement. If you are looking for personal injury lawyers in the Niagara Region, including Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Welland, Fort Erie, Thorold, Port Colborne, Fonthill, Grimsby, Vineland, and Wainfleet, get in touch with us today!